{ "currentVersion": 10.91, "id": 1, "name": "Andover", "type": "Feature Layer", "description": "The approach and process to create the regional, standardized parcel data for the project involved the following steps. First convert the collected parcel data from its current format into the required Esri Geodatabase format, and the CT Cadastral Standard file Geodatabase template. All pre-existing parcel polygon attributes and parcel line attributes (including any feature level metadata) that were both part of the standard and also those that are not part of the standard attributes, were preserved as appended fields in the attribute tables. Next the GIS Link currently employed by the town was determined and if there was not an existing link, then AppGeo created one. If necessary, an Intersection table was created to establish the \u201cmany-to-one\u201d relationship of condos and these special types of parcels. Analyze the data and report the mismatches for parcels with no CAMA as well as CAMA with no parcels. Analyze the parcels data for duplicate IDs. Document and submit to the towns, the analyses results and a map depicting the parcels that do not have a matching CAMA record, and work with the town to resolve the issues found. Goal was to accurately resolve as many of the mismatches as possible in order to meet at least the minimum required match rate of 90% per the CT Cadastral Standard. Incorporate necessary changes to resolve mismatches into the GIS data. In some cases this involved completely redrawing new parcel boundaries from recorded plans that were located during the resolution step, for changes such as lot splits or merges that will resolve a mismatch. The Coordinate Geometry (COGO) method was employed for creating or updating parcels lines when a recorded plan with the bearings or angles and distances are provided.The next step in the process was to assess the overall quality of the linework, flag areas of major concern with Errata Points, and attempt to acquire additional plans or other input from the town to address these areas. AppGeo adjusted the parcel linework using the more accurate boundaries depicted on plans that were made available. The surrounding (less accurate) parcels were then adjusted to the new (more accurate) parcels. The remaining parcels were visually inspected for alignment to the orthophotos. If determined necessary, the right of way lines and interior lot lines for each block of parcels were adjusted to visually match base map features on a block by block basis. If a town had, and provided to AppGeo, a dimension text layer, then the parcel lines were adjusted while maintaining parcel line lengths as defined by the dimension text per the best fit. If any of the original parcels had been created or maintained using Coordinate Geometry (COGO) and are identified as such in the existing parcel attributes, those parcels\u2019 boundaries were held firmly as is and were not modified during the alignment process. Feature level metadata for all parcels edited during this process were updated in the parcel layers\u2019 attributes according to the CT Cadastral Standard attribution guidelines. Internal QA/QC was done by AppGeo and then the data were reviewed by CRCOG.", "geometryType": "esriGeometryPolygon", "sourceSpatialReference": { "wkid": 103016, "latestWkid": 6434 }, "copyrightText": "These data were processed by Applied Geographics, Inc. as part of a regional performance incentive grant to the CRCOG (Capitol Region Council of Governments). These metadata were created as part of this project by AppGeo.", "parentLayer": { "id": 0, "name": "CRCOG" }, "subLayers": [], "minScale": 0, "maxScale": 0, "drawingInfo": { "renderer": { "type": "simple", "symbol": { "type": "esriSFS", "style": "esriSFSSolid", "color": [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ], "outline": { "type": "esriSLS", "style": "esriSLSSolid", "color": [ 104, 104, 104, 255 ], "width": 1 } }, "label": "", "description": "" }, "transparency": 0, "labelingInfo": null }, "defaultVisibility": true, "extent": { "xmin": -8062110.873800771, "ymin": 5115612.879361914, "xmax": -8051530.626855992, "ymax": 5126209.473618513, "spatialReference": { "wkid": 102100, "latestWkid": 3857 } }, "hasAttachments": false, "htmlPopupType": "esriServerHTMLPopupTypeAsHTMLText", "displayField": "STNAME", "typeIdField": null, "subtypeFieldName": null, "subtypeField": null, "defaultSubtypeCode": null, "fields": [ { "name": "OBJECTID_1", "type": "esriFieldTypeOID", "alias": "FID", "domain": null }, { "name": "OBJECTID", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "OBJECTID", "domain": null }, { "name": "STNAME", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "STNAME", "length": 2, "domain": null }, { "name": "STFIPS", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "STFIPS", "length": 2, "domain": null }, { "name": "CNTYNAME", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "CNTYNAME", "length": 50, "domain": null }, { "name": "CNTYFIPS", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "CNTYFIPS", "length": 3, "domain": null }, { "name": "STCNTYFIPS", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "STCNTYFIPS", "length": 5, "domain": null }, { "name": "MUNINAME", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "MUNINAME", "length": 50, "domain": null }, { "name": "MUNICIPALI", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "MUNICIPALI", "length": 3, "domain": null }, { "name": "SOURCEAGEN", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "SOURCEAGEN", "length": 50, "domain": null }, { "name": "PARNO", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "PARNO", "length": 40, "domain": null }, { "name": "NPARNO", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "NPARNO", "length": 50, "domain": null }, { "name": "PAROTHID", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "PAROTHID", "length": 40, "domain": null }, { "name": "PROPERTYTY", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "PROPERTYTY", "length": 20, "domain": null }, { "name": "PARCELINTE", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "PARCELINTE", "length": 30, "domain": null }, { "name": "RECRDAREAT", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "RECRDAREAT", "length": 20, "domain": null }, { "name": "GISACRE", "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "alias": "GISACRE", "domain": null }, { "name": "SITEADD", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "SITEADD", "length": 65, "domain": null }, { "name": "MAP", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "MAP", "length": 10, "domain": null }, { "name": "BLOCK", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "BLOCK", "length": 10, "domain": null }, { "name": "LOT", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "LOT", "length": 10, "domain": null }, { "name": "SHAPE_Leng", "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "alias": "SHAPE_Leng", "domain": null }, { "name": "Shape", "type": "esriFieldTypeGeometry", "alias": "Shape", "domain": null }, { "name": "Shape.STArea()", "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "alias": "Shape.STArea()", "domain": null }, { "name": "Shape.STLength()", "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "alias": "Shape.STLength()", "domain": null } ], "geometryField": { "name": "Shape", "type": "esriFieldTypeGeometry", "alias": "Shape" }, "indexes": [ { "name": "R566_pk", "fields": "OBJECTID_1", "isAscending": true, "isUnique": true, "description": "" }, { "name": "S520_idx", "fields": "Shape", "isAscending": true, "isUnique": true, "description": "" } ], "subtypes": [], "relationships": [], "canModifyLayer": true, "canScaleSymbols": false, "hasLabels": false, "capabilities": "Map,Query,Data", "maxRecordCount": 1000, "supportsStatistics": true, "supportsAdvancedQueries": true, "supportedQueryFormats": "JSON, geoJSON", "isDataVersioned": false, "ownershipBasedAccessControlForFeatures": {"allowOthersToQuery": true}, "useStandardizedQueries": true, "advancedQueryCapabilities": { "useStandardizedQueries": true, "supportsStatistics": true, "supportsHavingClause": true, "supportsCountDistinct": true, "supportsOrderBy": true, "supportsDistinct": true, "supportsPagination": true, "supportsTrueCurve": true, "supportsReturningQueryExtent": true, "supportsQueryWithDistance": true, "supportsSqlExpression": true }, "supportsDatumTransformation": true, "hasGeometryProperties": true, "geometryProperties": { "shapeAreaFieldName": "Shape.STArea()", "shapeLengthFieldName": "Shape.STLength()", "units": "esriFeet" }, "dateFieldsTimeReference": null, "supportsCoordinatesQuantization": true }