Soil susceptibility to flooding is the temporary inundation of an area caused by overflowing streams, by runoff from adjacent slopes, or by tides. Water standing for short periods after rainfall or snowmelt is not considered flooding, and water standing in swamps and marshes is considered ponding, rather than flooding. Frequency classes are expressed as none, very rare, rare, occasional, frequent, and very frequent. Estimates of flooding class are based on the interpretation of soil properties and other evidence gathered during soil survey field work. For additional documentation including a description of the map legend for Soils Flooding Class, refer to the CT ECO Complete Resource Guide for Soils Flooding Class.
All soil information included in the CT ECO maps and map viewers is from the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Web Soil Survey (WSS), which is based on information originally published on the set of Soil Survey quarter quadrangle maps that cover Connecticut.
The purpose is to identify those soil map units that may be subject to flooding in comparison to those that may be wet for other reasons such as high water table or ponding. The susceptibility of soils to flooding is an important consideration for building sites, sanitary facilities, cropland, and other uses. Additional information on the soil flooding duration and month of occurrence is available at the Web Soil Survey
This data set is not designed for use as a primary regulatory tool in permitting or siting decisions, but may be used as a reference source. This is public information and may be interpreted by organizations, agencies, units of government, or others based on needs; however, they are responsible for the appropriate application. Federal, State, or local regulatory bodies are not to reassign to the Natural Resources Conservation Service any authority for the decisions that they make. The Natural Resources Conservation Service will not perform any evaluations of these maps for purposes related solely to State or local regulatory programs.