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Thickness of Glacial Sediments in Connecticut and the Long Island Sound Basin Polygon
FGDC, ESRI Metadata
DescriptionGraphicSpatialData StructureData QualityData SourceData DistributionMetadata
+ Resource Description
Information used to reference the data.
Title: Thickness of Glacial Sediments in Connecticut and the Long Island Sound Basin Polygon
Originators: Long Island Sound Resource Center, a partnership between the State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection and the University of Connecticut (compiler, editor and publisher)
U.S. Geological Survey (source data compiler)
Publisher: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Publication place: Long Island Sound Resource Center, Groton, Connecticut, USA
Publication date: 200407
Data type: vector digital data
Data location: http://www.ct.gov/deep
Other citation details: The USGS is the collector and source for the original geologic mapping and interpretation upon which this digital spatial data is based (source data compiler). The Long Island Sound Resource Center is the creator, maintainer, and producer of the digital spatial data (compiler, editor, publisher).
Larger Work Citation
Title: Quaternary Geologic Map of Connecticut and Long Island Sound Basin
Originators: Janet Radway Stone
John P. Schafer
Elizabeth Haley London
Mary L. DiGiacomo-Cohen
Ralph S. Lewis
Woodrow B. Thompson
Series name: Scientific Investigations Map
Series identification: SIM-2784
Publisher: U.S. Geological Survey
Publication place: Reston, VA
Publication date: 2005
Data type: map
A characterization of the data, including its intended use and limitations.
Abstract: The Thickness of Glacial Sediments in Connecticut and the Long Island Sound Basin layer contains interpretive polygon data representing the thickness of glacial sediments in Connecticut and the Long Island Sound Basin. Compiled as part of the Quaternary Geologic Map of Connecticut and Long Island Sound Basin, Stone and others (1998, 2005). Includes thickness of glacial sediments in 50 foot (0-50, 50-100) and then 100 foot (100-200, 200-300, etc) intervals.
Data derived from original mapping at 1:80,000 scale for the Long Island Sound basin and at 1:125,000 scale on the land in Connecticut. The data are NOT recommended for use at higher resolution scales.
Purpose: The purpose is to show the thickness of glacial sediments on land in Connecticut and in the Long Island Sound Basin. This layer can be used other geologic information shown on the Quaternary Geologic Map of Connecticut and Long Island Sound Basin (USGS publication SIM-2784) as well as other geologic GIS data layers for Long Island Sound derived from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) / Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Marine Geology Cooperative Program. Complimentary data layers include the marine transgressive surface (marinet) and thickness of postglacial deposits (pgthkpol) found on Georeferenced Sea-floor Mapping and Bottom Photography in Long Island Sound (USGS Openfile report 00-304).
Supplemental information: These data appear as figure 2 on sheet 2 of the Quaternary Geologic Map of Connecticut and Long Island Sound Basin, Stone and others, 2005.
Glacial and postglacial geologic deposits have long been studied on the land in Connecticut. Similar deposits are also present beneath modern marine sediments in Long Island Sound. Offshore geologic units in Long Island Sound are mapped largely from analysis of seismic-reflection profile data instead of from direct observation.
The wasting away of the late Wisconsinan ice sheet, and the recession of its margin from south to north across Long Island Sound and Connecticut, was initiated when the rate of melting along the glacial margin exceeded the rate at which ice was flowing in from the north. Newly exposed lowlands and valleys were immediately filled with meltwater in the form of glacial lakes and ponds and meltwater streams. In these meltwater settings, much of the unsorted glacial debris (till) that melted out of the ice was sorted into layers of gravel, sand, silt, and clay.
Glacial Lake Connecticut was impounded behind the Harbor Hill-Fishers Island- Charlestown moraine. At its maximum extent (when the ice front stood at a position near the present Connecticut shoreline) this glacial lake occupied all of the Long Island Sound Basin and extended into the mouths of the surrounding river valleys. The extensive glacial lake deposits that accumulated in Glacial Lake Connecticut often exceed 100m (328 ft) in thickness, and at one time very nearly completely filled in the Long Island Sound Basin. Today, these deposits have been locally extensively scoured by tidal currents (primarily in the eastern Sound) and generally lie beneath a blanket of Holocene marine sediment that is a few to 15m (45 ft) in thickness.
To the north, Glacial Lake Hitchcock occupied the Central Valley north of Middletown, and smaller lakes and ponds occupied most river valleys. As meltwater streams carried sediment away from the receding ice front, these lakes and ponds were filled with sequences of stratified glacial deposits (most often deltaic), which choked the valleys. In upland areas, thick till deposits (e.g. drumlins) are locally scattered across the bedrock controlled topography which is generally mantled by a thin blanket of till (generally less than 5m or 15ft thick).
Dataset credit: Mary DiGiacomo-Cohen (Long Island Sound Resource Center) for compiling and editing the digital data. Original research conducted by USGS and Connecticut Geological and Natural History Survey Cooperative Mapping Program; contributing authors include Janet R. Stone, Sally Needell, Ralph S. Lewis, Nancy F. Neff, and Steven M. Colman.
Language of dataset: en
Point Of Contact
Contact information for the individual or organization that is knowledgeable about the data.
Organization: Long Island Sound Resource Center
Person: Mary DiGiacomo-Cohen
Phone: (860)405-9015
Email: lisrc@uconn.edu
Address type: mailing and physical address
Address: Long Island Sound Resource Center
Address: UConn Avery Point
Address: 1080 Shennecossett Rd
City: Groton
State or Province: Connecticut
Postal code: 06340
Country: USA
Data Type
How the data are represented, formatted and maintained by the data producing organization.
Data type: vector digital data
Data format: SDE Feature Class
Native dataset environment: These data are maintained by the State of Connecticut using ArcGIS software developed by Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) in a Microsoft Windows operating system environment.
Time Period of Data
Time period(s) for which the data corresponds to the currentness reference.
Date: 200407
Currentness reference: publication date
The state of and maintenance information for the data.
Data status: Complete
Update frequency: None planned
Key Words
Words or phrases that summarize certain aspects of the data.
Keywords: glacial sediments, thickness, seismic interpretation, USGS, U.S. Geological Survey, Woods Hole Field Center, Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection, Long Island Sound Resource Center, University of Connecticut, vectors, ArcGIS, ArcView
Keyword thesaurus: none
Keywords: geoscientificInformation
Keyword thesaurus: ISO 19115 Topic Category
Keywords: Connecticut, New York, CT, NY
Keyword thesaurus: U.S. Department of Commerce, 1987, Codes for the Identification of the States, the District of Columbia and the Outlying Areas of The United States, and Associated Areas (Federal Information Processing Standard 5-2): Washington, DC, National Institute of Standards and Technology.
Keywords: Long Island Sound
Keyword thesaurus: None
Keywords: United States of America, USA
Keyword thesaurus: U.S. Department of Commerce, 1995, Countries, Dependencies, Areas of Special Sovereignty, and Their Principal Administrative Divisions (Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 10-4): Washington, D.C., National Institute of Standards and Technology.
Keywords: glacial, quaternary, holocene, pleistocene
Keyword thesaurus: none
Data Access Constraints
Restrictions and legal prerequisites for accessing or using the data after access is granted.
Access constraints: None. The data are in the public domain and may be redistributed.
Use constraints: Data derived from original mapping at 1:80,000 scale for the Long Island Sound basin and at 1:125,000 scale on the land in Connecticut. These data are NOT recommended for use at higher resolution scales. Please note that the on-land portion of these data was developed at 1:125,000 scale, and even though it was developed as part of the Quaternary Map and by the same author as the Quaternary Map and the Surficial Materials Map (J.R. Stone) that those digital data layers (quaternary geology and surficial materials) were compiled at 1:24,000 scale - because of the difference in scale and compilation methods these data sets may be noticibly incompatible at inappropriate scales.
Although this data set has been used by the State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection, no warranty, expressed or implied, is made by the State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection as to the accuracy of the data and or related materials. The act of distribution shall not constitute any such warranty, and no responsibility is assumed by the State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection in the use of these data or related materials. The user assumes the entire risk related to the use of these data. Once the data are distributed to the user, modifications made to the data by the user should be noted in the metadata. When printing these data on a map or using it in a software application, analysis, or report, please acknowledge the State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection as the source for this information. For example, include the following data source description when printing this layer on a map: Glacial Thickness - From the Thickness of Glacial Sediments in Connecticut and Long Island Sound Basin layer, compiled and published by CT DEP and USGS. Source map scale is 1:80,000 (LIS) and 1:125,000 (CT).
The Long Island Sound Resource Center, CT DEP, and USGS must be referenced as the originator of the dataset in any future products or research derived from these data
Data Security Information
Handling restrictions imposed on the data because of national security, privacy or other concerns.
Security classifiction system: none
Security classification: Unclassified
Security handling: none
Cross Reference
Information about other, related data sets that are likely to be of interest.
Title: Quaternary Geologic Map of Connecticut and Long Island Sound Basin
Originators: Janet Radway Stone
John P. Schafer
Elizabeth Haley London
Mary L. DiGiacomo-Cohen
Ralph S. Lewis
Woodrow B. Thompson
Series name: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report
Series identification: 98-371
Publisher: U.S. Geological Survey
Publication place: Reston, VA
Publication date: 1998
Data type: document
Cross Reference
Information about other, related data sets that are likely to be of interest.
Title: Maps showing stratigraphic framework and Quaternary geologic history of eastern Long Island Sound
Originators: R.S. Lewis
S.W. Nedell
Series name: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map
Series identification: MF-1939-A
Publisher: U.S. Geological Survey
Publication place: Reston, VA
Publication date: 19870101
Data type: map
Cross Reference
Information about other, related data sets that are likely to be of interest.
Title: Maps showing the Quaternary geology of east-central Long Island Sound
Originators: S.W. Needell
R.S. Lewis
S.M. Colman
Series name: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map
Series identification: MF-1939B
Publisher: U.S. Geological Survey
Publication place: Reston, VA
Publication date: 19870101
Data type: map
+ Graphic Example
Browse Graphic
Graphic illustration of the data.
Browse graphic 1
Open - Full view of the Thickness of Glacial Sediments in Connecticut and the Long Island Sound Basin layer showing nature and extent of polygon and line feature data.
Graphic Image

Browse graphic 2
Open - Detail view of the Thickness of Glacial Sediments in Connecticut and the Long Island Sound Basin layer showing nature and extent of polygon and line feature data on the land in Connecticut at 1:125,000 scale.
Graphic Image
+ Spatial Reference Information
Horizontal Coordinate System
Reference system from which linear or angular quantities are measured and assigned to the position that a point occupies.
Projected coordinate system:
Name: NAD 1983 StatePlane Connecticut FIPS 0600 Feet
Map units: survey feet
Geographic coordinate system:
Name: GCS North American 1983
Coordinate System Details
Map projection
Map projection name: Lambert Conformal Conic
Standard parallel: 41.200000
Standard parallel: 41.866667
Longitude of central meridian: -72.750000
Latitude of projection origin: 40.833333
False easting: 999999.999996
False northing: 499999.999998
Planar Coordinate Information
Planar coordinate encoding method: coordinate pair
Coordinate representation:
Abscissa resolution: 0.000250
Ordinate resolution: 0.000250
Planar distance units: survey feet
Geodetic model
Horizontal datum name: North American Datum of 1983
Ellipsoid name: Geodetic Reference System 80
Semi-major axis: 6378137.000000
Denominator of flattening ratio: 298.257222
Vertical Coordinate System
Reference system from which vertical distances (altitudes or depths) are measured.
Altitude system definition:
Altitude resolution: 1.000000
Altitude encoding method: Explicit elevation coordinate included with horizontal coordinates
Spatial Domain
The geographic areal domain of the data that describes the western, eastern, northern, and southern geographic limits of data coverage.
Bounding Coordinates
In Projected or local coordinates
NAD 1983 StatePlane Connecticut FIPS 0600 Feet
Left718845.375000 (survey feet)
Right1263094.500000 (survey feet)
Top944279.188000 (survey feet)
Bottom508590.219000 (survey feet)
In Unprojected coordinates (geographic)
GCS North American 1983
West-73.785122 (longitude)
East-71.781364 (longitude)
North42.052612 (latitude)
South40.852372 (latitude)
+ Data Structure and Attribute Information
Summary of the information content of the data, including other references to complete descriptions of entity types, attributes, and attribute values for the data.
Dataset overview: Dataset shows the thickness of glacial sediments in Connecticut and Long Island Sound basin, in 50 foot (0-50, 50-100) and then 100 foot (100-200, 200-300, etc) intervals.
Entity and attribute overview: Line features are encoded for glacial sediment thickness in feet (50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, and 600). Line features that are encoded with sediment thickness values of 9999 define the (boundary) limits of the data and are not thickness isopach lines. They generally define the extremity of the data, following the Connecticut state boundary and southern boundary of the Long Island Sound basin. They also enclose areas where the glacial sediment thickness is unknown.
Polygon features are encoded for glacial sediment thickness interval in feet (0-50, 50-100, 100-200, 200-300, 300-400, 400-500, 500-600, > 600, and unkown). Values of "unknown" represent areas where the presence of methane gas in the sediment makes the interpretation of underlying layers difficult or impossible.
Entity and attribute detailed citation: Quaternary Geologic Map of Connecticut and Long Island Sound Basin (Stone, J.R., Schafer, J.P., London, E.H., DiGiacomo-Cohen, M.L., Lewis, R.S., and Thompson, W.B., 2005, U.S. Geological Survey special map, 2 sheets, scale 1:125,000).
Direct spatial reference method: Vector
Attributes of Thickness of Glacial Sediments in Connecticut and the Long Island Sound Basin Polygon
Detailed descriptions of entity type, attributes, and attribute values for the data.
Type of object: Feature Class
Geometry type: Polygon
Number of records: 2133
Description: Areas of equal glacial sediment thickness
Source: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection and the U.S Geological Survey
Definition: Internal feature number.
Alias: OBJECTID Type: OID Width: 4 Precision: 10 Scale: 0
Attribute values: Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.
Attribute definition source: ESRI
Definition: Feature geometry.
Alias: SHAPE Type: Geometry Width: 4 Precision: 0 Scale: 0
Attribute values: Coordinates defining the features.
Attribute definition source: ESRI
Definition: Thickness Interval - Glacial sediment thickness interval, in feet
Alias: THICKI_FT Type: String Width: 7 Precision: 0 Scale: 0Output width: 7
Attribute domain values
0-500 to 50 FT thickness interval
Definition Source: compiler
50-10050 to 100 FT thickness interval
Definition Source: compiler
100-200100 to 200 FT thickness interval
Definition Source: compiler
200-300200 to 300 FT thickness interval
Definition Source: compiler
300-400300 to 400 FT thickness interval
Definition Source: compiler
400-500400 to 500 FT thickness interval
Definition Source: compiler
500-600500 to 600 FT thickness interval
Definition Source: compiler
> 600Greater than 600 FT thick
Definition Source: compiler
unknownThickness unknown due to methane gas in the sediment. The presence of gas in the sediments makes the interpretation of underlying layers difficult or impossible.
Definition Source: compiler
Attribute definition source: Long Island Sound Resource Center compiler, Mary DiGiacomo-Cohen
Definition: Symbol - Color symbol values for classifying and symbolizing features using ESRI (ArcInfo Workstation) ArcPlot colornames.shd shadeset file.
Alias: SYM Type: SmallInteger Width: 2 Precision: 5 Scale: 0Output width: 3
Attribute values: Numeric value
Attribute definition source: Long Island Sound Resource Center compiler, Mary DiGiacomo-Cohen
Alias: SHAPE.area Type: Double Width: 0 Precision: 0 Scale: 0
Alias: SHAPE.len Type: Double Width: 0 Precision: 0 Scale: 0
ESRI Feature Description
Description of spatial objects in the data using the Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) terminology.
Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) terms
ESRI feature type: Simple
Geometry type: Polygon
Topology: FALSE
Feature count: 2133
Spatial index: TRUE
Linear referencing: FALSE
SDTS Feature Description
Description of point and vector spatial objects in the data using the Spatial Data Transfer Standards (SDTS) terminology.
Spatial data transfer standard (SDTS) terms
Type: G-polygon
Count: 2133
+ Data Quality and Accuracy Information
Information about the fidelity of relationships, data quality and accuracy tests, omissions, selection criteria, generalization, and definitions used to derive the data.
Logical consistency report: All lines were digitized, edited and coded in a consistent maner. No additional checks for topological consistency were performed on this data set. Polygon features conform to the following topological rules. Polygons are single part. There are no duplicate polygons. Polygons do not self overlap. Polygons do not overlap other polygons. Lines are single part. Line features conform to the following topological rules. There are no duplicate lines. Lines do not self overlap. Lines do not overlap other lines. Lines intersect only at nodes, and nodes anchor the ends of all lines. Lines do not overshoot or undershoot other lines they are supposed to meet and intersect. In general, there are no duplicate features, unresolved intersections, overshooting lines, open polygons, sliver polygons, or unlabeled (unattributed) polygons. The tests of logical consistency were performed by the Long Island Sound Resource Center using ESRI ArcInfo software to maintain feature topology in ArcInfo coverage format. The data is topologically clean. The ArcInfo Clean function was repeatedly used following edits to verify topology and enforce a minimum distance between vertices of 10 feet (fuzzy tolerance) and a minimum allowed overshoot length of 0 feet (dangle length).
Completeness report: All available (previously published or compiled) data for the area has been presented. There are data gaps in central Long Island Sound where the presence of gas in the sediments makes the interpretation of underlying layers difficult or impossible. Data gaps are either unmapped areas or represented by polygon features having Thickness Interval attribute (THICKI_FT) values equal to "unknown".
Attribute Accuracy
Accuracy of the identification of data entities, features and assignment of attribute values.
Attribute accuracy report: The THICKI_FT attribute is in feet and for the Long Island Sound area was derived from interpretation of analog seismic records generated by a Uniboom seismic system. The Uniboom employed for this project had a resolution of approximately 1-2 m; original contours were drawn at 10 meter intervals (and reinterpreted or converted to 50 and 100 foot intervals to agree with the onshore mapping interval). Considered accurate for use at appropriate scales.
Positional Accuracy
Accuracy of the positional aspects of the data.
Horizontal accuracy report: For the Long Island Sound area, ship position was determined using Loran-C navigation (typical Loran accuracy for Long Island Sound is about 100 m). Additional horizontal error may have been introduced during the drafting of original compilation maps or the digitizing process. Data is considered accurate for use at 1:80,000 scale for Long Island Sound and 1:125,000 scale for Connecticut mainland.
+ Data Source and Process Information
Data Sources
Information about the source data used to construct or derive the data.
Data source information
Title: Maps showing the stratigraphic framework and Quaternary geologic history of eastern Long Island Sound
Originators: Ralph S. Lewis
Sally W. Needell
Series name: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map
Series identification: MF-1939-A
Publisher: U.S. Geological Survey
Publication place: Hartford, Connecticut, USA
Publication date: 19870101
Data type: map
Map scale denominator: 80000
Media: stable-base material
Source contribution: mylar compilation sheet for thickness of glacial drift
Date: 19870101
Currentness reference: publication date
Title: Maps showing the Quaternary geology of east-central Long Island Sound
Originators: Sally W. Needell
Ralph S. Lewis
Steven M. Colman
Series name: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map
Series identification: MF-1939-B
Publisher: U.S. Geological Survey
Publication place: Reston, Virginia, USA
Publication date: 1987000
Data type: map
Map scale denominator: 80000
Media: stable-base material
Source contribution: mylar compilation sheet for thickness of glacial drift
Date: 19870101
Currentness reference: publication date
mylars for west and west-central LIS
Title: unpublished maps for west and west-central LIS
Originators: Ralph S. Lewis
Nancy F. Neff
Publisher: Long Island Sound Resource Center
Publication place: Groton, Connecticut, USA
Publication date: Unpublished Material
Data type: map
Other citation details: These maps were prepared as a continuation of the MF-1939 series which was not completed in that format since the framework studies of LIS evolved into other publications such as the Quaternary map (I-2784) and various openfile CD products (OF 02-002, OF 00-304).
Map scale denominator: 80000
Media: stable-base material
Source contribution: Unpublished contour maps of the total drift thickness for western and west-central LIS
Date: unknown
Currentness reference: unknown
CT thickness map
Title: CT thickness of glacial sediments
Originators: Janet R. Stone
Publisher: U.S. Geological Survey
Publication place: Hartford, Connecticut, USA
Publication date: Unpublished Material
Data type: map
Other citation details: mylar overlay for the Quaternary map (on-land area) drafted at 1:125,000 scale
Map scale denominator: 125000
Media: stable-base material
Source contribution: mylar compilation sheet of thickness of glacial deposits
Date: 1994
Currentness reference: publication date
Title: Thickness of Glacial Sediments in Connecticut and the Long Island Sound Basin
Originators: Long Island Sound Resource Center, a partnership between the State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection and the University of Connecticut (compiler, editor and publisher)
Publisher: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Publication place: Long Island Sound Resource Center, Groton, Connecticut, USA
Publication date: 200407
Data type: vector digital data
Data location: http://www.ct.gov/deep
Map scale denominator: 80000 and 125000
Media: disc
Source contribution: glacialthk is in ArcInfo Coverage format having both polygon and line features. The name of the ArcInfo Coverage is GLACIALTHK.
Date: 200407
Currentness reference: publication date
Title: Thickness of Glacial Sediments in Connecticut and the Long Island Sound Basin Polygon
Originators: Long Island Sound Resource Center, a partnership between the State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection and the University of Connecticut (compiler, editor and publisher)
U.S. Geological Survey (source data compiler)
Publisher: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Publication place: Long Island Sound Resource Center, Groton, Connecticut, USA
Publication date: 200407
Data type: vector digital data
Data location: http://www.ct.gov/deep
Map scale denominator: 80000 and 125000
Media: disc
Source contribution: Includes all polygon features from glacialthk (ArcInfo Coverage format). Glacial_Sediment_Thickness_Poly.shp is in Shapefile format.
Date: 200407
Currentness reference: publication date
Title: Thickness of Glacial Sediments in Connecticut and the Long Island Sound Basin Polygon
Originators: Long Island Sound Resource Center, a partnership between the State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection and the University of Connecticut (compiler, editor and publisher)
U.S. Geological Survey (source data compiler)
Publisher: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Publication place: Long Island Sound Resource Center, Groton, Connecticut, USA
Publication date: 200407
Data type: vector digital data
Data location: http://www.ct.gov/deep
Map scale denominator: 80000 and 125000
Media: disc
Source contribution: Glacial_Sediment_Thickness_Poly is in GeoDatabase Feature Class format.
Date: 200407
Currentness reference: publication date
Process Steps
Information about events, parameters, tolerances and techniques applied to construct or derive the data.
Process step information
Process Step 1
Process description: Selected contours from the hand drawn compilation sheets (4 maps total, originaly with 10m contour intervals) for LIS were digitized on a Calcomp 9100 using ArcInfo software. The section coverages were edited and edgematched (contours were modified where necessary to match at map section boundaries), and attributed. Coverage was projected to Connecticut State Plane Coordinate System, NAD27.
Organization: Long Island Sound Resource Center
Person: Mary DiGiacomo-Cohen
Phone: (860)405-9015
Email: lisrc@uconn.edu
Address type: mailing and physical address
Address: Long Island Sound Resource Center
Address: UConn Avery Point
Address: 1080 Shennecossett Rd
City: Groton
State or Province: CT
Postal code: 06340
Country: USA
Process date: 1994
Data Source used
Title: Maps showing the stratigraphic framework and Quaternary geologic history of eastern Long Island Sound
Originators: Ralph S. Lewis
Sally W. Needell
Series name: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map
Series identification: MF-1939-A
Publisher: U.S. Geological Survey
Publication place: Hartford, Connecticut, USA
Publication date: 19870101
Data type: map
Map scale denominator: 80000
Media: stable-base material
Source contribution: mylar compilation sheet for thickness of glacial drift
Date: 19870101
Currentness reference: publication date
Title: Maps showing the Quaternary geology of east-central Long Island Sound
Originators: Sally W. Needell
Ralph S. Lewis
Steven M. Colman
Series name: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map
Series identification: MF-1939-B
Publisher: U.S. Geological Survey
Publication place: Reston, Virginia, USA
Publication date: 1987000
Data type: map
Map scale denominator: 80000
Media: stable-base material
Source contribution: mylar compilation sheet for thickness of glacial drift
Date: 19870101
Currentness reference: publication date
mylars for west and west-central LIS
Title: unpublished maps for west and west-central LIS
Originators: Ralph S. Lewis
Nancy F. Neff
Publisher: Long Island Sound Resource Center
Publication place: Groton, Connecticut, USA
Publication date: Unpublished Material
Data type: map
Other citation details: These maps were prepared as a continuation of the MF-1939 series which was not completed in that format since the framework studies of LIS evolved into other publications such as the Quaternary map (I-2784) and various openfile CD products (OF 02-002, OF 00-304).
Map scale denominator: 80000
Media: stable-base material
Source contribution: Unpublished contour maps of the total drift thickness for western and west-central LIS
Date: unknown
Currentness reference: unknown
Data Source produced
Process Step 2
Process description: The CT thickness map was digitized on a Calcomp 9100 using ArcInfo software, edited and attributed. Coverage was projected to Connecticut State Plane Coordinate System, NAD27.
Person: Margaret Thomas
Organization: CT Geological and Natural History Survey, CT DEP
Phone: 860 424-3583
Email: margaret.thomas@po.state.ct.us
Address type: mailing and physical address
Address: Environmental and Geographic Information Center
Address: Department of Environmental Protection
Address: 79 Elm St
City: Hartford
State or Province: CT
Postal code: 06106
Country: USA
Process date: 1994
Process software and version: ArcInfo
Data Source used
CT thickness map
Title: CT thickness of glacial sediments
Originators: Janet R. Stone
Publisher: U.S. Geological Survey
Publication place: Hartford, Connecticut, USA
Publication date: Unpublished Material
Data type: map
Other citation details: mylar overlay for the Quaternary map (on-land area) drafted at 1:125,000 scale
Map scale denominator: 125000
Media: stable-base material
Source contribution: mylar compilation sheet of thickness of glacial deposits
Date: 1994
Currentness reference: publication date
Data Source produced
Process Step 3
Process description: Coverages CTthickness and LISthickness were appended and edited as necessary along the shoreline (interpolation by J.R. Stone and M.DiGiacomo-Cohen).
Person: Mary DiGiacomo-Cohen
Organization: Long Island Sound Resource Center
Phone: (860)405-9015
Email: lisrc@uconn.edu
Address type: mailing and physical address
Address: Long Island Sound Resource Center
Address: UConn Avery Point
Address: 1080 Shennecossett Rd
City: Groton
State or Province: Connecticut
Postal code: 06340
Country: USA
Process date: 1994
Process software and version: ArcInfo
Data Source used
Data Source produced
Process Step 4
Process description: Edited again in 2003 per review comments by USGS publication editors. Re-attributed and checked. Coverage projected to Connecticut State Plane Coordinate System, NAD83.
Person: Mary DiGiacomo-Cohen
Organization: Long Island Sound Resource Center
Phone: (860)405-9015
Email: lisrc@uconn.edu
Address type: mailing and physical address
Address: Long Island Sound Resource Center
Address: UConn Avery Point
Address: 1080 Shennecossett Rd
City: Groton
State or Province: Connecticut
Postal code: 06340
Country: USA
Process date: 2003-2004
Process software and version: ArcGIS
Data Source used
Data Source produced
Title: Thickness of Glacial Sediments in Connecticut and the Long Island Sound Basin
Originators: Long Island Sound Resource Center, a partnership between the State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection and the University of Connecticut (compiler, editor and publisher)
Publisher: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Publication place: Long Island Sound Resource Center, Groton, Connecticut, USA
Publication date: 200407
Data type: vector digital data
Data location: http://www.ct.gov/deep
Map scale denominator: 80000 and 125000
Media: disc
Source contribution: glacialthk is in ArcInfo Coverage format having both polygon and line features. The name of the ArcInfo Coverage is GLACIALTHK.
Date: 200407
Currentness reference: publication date
Process Step 5
Process description: Export to Shapefile Format - Converted polygon feature data from ArcInfo Coverage named GLACIALTHK to a Shapefile named Glacial_Sediment_Thickness_Poly.shp. Excluded the AREA, PERIMETER, GLACIALTHK#, GLACIALTHK-ID attributes from the Shapefile because their values are only maintained by ArcInfo software with data that is in ArcInfo Coverage format.
Organization: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Person: Howie Sternberg
Phone: 860-424-3540
Email: lisrc@uconn.edu
Address type: mailing and physical address
Address: 79 Elm Street
City: Hartford
State or Province: Connecticut
Postal code: 06106
Country: USA
Process date: 20060519
Process software and version: ArcView 3.3
Data Source used
Title: Thickness of Glacial Sediments in Connecticut and the Long Island Sound Basin
Originators: Long Island Sound Resource Center, a partnership between the State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection and the University of Connecticut (compiler, editor and publisher)
Publisher: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Publication place: Long Island Sound Resource Center, Groton, Connecticut, USA
Publication date: 200407
Data type: vector digital data
Data location: http://www.ct.gov/deep
Map scale denominator: 80000 and 125000
Media: disc
Source contribution: glacialthk is in ArcInfo Coverage format having both polygon and line features. The name of the ArcInfo Coverage is GLACIALTHK.
Date: 200407
Currentness reference: publication date
Data Source produced
Title: Thickness of Glacial Sediments in Connecticut and the Long Island Sound Basin Polygon
Originators: Long Island Sound Resource Center, a partnership between the State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection and the University of Connecticut (compiler, editor and publisher)
U.S. Geological Survey (source data compiler)
Publisher: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Publication place: Long Island Sound Resource Center, Groton, Connecticut, USA
Publication date: 200407
Data type: vector digital data
Data location: http://www.ct.gov/deep
Map scale denominator: 80000 and 125000
Media: disc
Source contribution: Includes all polygon features from glacialthk (ArcInfo Coverage format). Glacial_Sediment_Thickness_Poly.shp is in Shapefile format.
Date: 200407
Currentness reference: publication date
Process Step 6
Process description: Convert to GeoDatabase Feature Class format - Defined new Feature Class named Glacial_Sediment_Thickness_Poly; and imported the attribute definitions, loaded features and imported metadata from Glacial_Sediment_Thickness_Poly.shp shapefile.
Spatial Reference Properties for Feature Class:
Coordinate System: NAD_1983_StatePlane_Connecticut_FIPS_0600_Feet
XY Domain MinX: 100000; MaxX: 2247483.645
XY Domain MinY: 200000; MaxY: 2347483.645
Precision: 1000
Organization: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Person: Howie Sternberg
Phone: 860-424-3540
Address type: mailing and physical address
Address: 79 Elm Street
City: Hartford
State or Province: Connecticut
Postal code: 06106
Country: USA
Process date: 20061106
Process software and version: ArcGIS 9.1
Data Source used
Title: Thickness of Glacial Sediments in Connecticut and the Long Island Sound Basin Polygon
Originators: Long Island Sound Resource Center, a partnership between the State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection and the University of Connecticut (compiler, editor and publisher)
U.S. Geological Survey (source data compiler)
Publisher: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Publication place: Long Island Sound Resource Center, Groton, Connecticut, USA
Publication date: 200407
Data type: vector digital data
Data location: http://www.ct.gov/deep
Map scale denominator: 80000 and 125000
Media: disc
Source contribution: Includes all polygon features from glacialthk (ArcInfo Coverage format). Glacial_Sediment_Thickness_Poly.shp is in Shapefile format.
Date: 200407
Currentness reference: publication date
Data Source produced
Title: Thickness of Glacial Sediments in Connecticut and the Long Island Sound Basin Polygon
Originators: Long Island Sound Resource Center, a partnership between the State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection and the University of Connecticut (compiler, editor and publisher)
U.S. Geological Survey (source data compiler)
Publisher: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Publication place: Long Island Sound Resource Center, Groton, Connecticut, USA
Publication date: 200407
Data type: vector digital data
Data location: http://www.ct.gov/deep
Map scale denominator: 80000 and 125000
Media: disc
Source contribution: Glacial_Sediment_Thickness_Poly is in GeoDatabase Feature Class format.
Date: 200407
Currentness reference: publication date
ESRI geoprocessing history
Description of ESRI geoprocessing commands, settings, and tolerances applied to the data.
ESRI geoprocessing command information
1 Process
Date: 20061204 Time: 134505
Tool location: C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\ArcToolbox\Toolboxes\Data Management Tools.tbx\CopyFeatures
Command issued: CopyFeatures F:\GeoData\geology\geodatabase\Geology.mdb\Glacial_Sediment_Thickness_Poly "Database Connections\depdbs11@dep.sde\depgis.DEP.Glacial_Sediment_Thickness_Poly" DEPVECTORSTATIC 10000 0 0
2 CopyFeatures_60
Date: 20081215 Time: 155126
Tool location: C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\ArcToolbox\Toolboxes\Data Management Tools.tbx\CopyFeatures
Command issued: CopyFeatures "Database Connections\\depgis.DEP.GLACIAL_SEDIMENT_THICKNESS_POLY" "Database Connections\062174-svr.depgis@DEP.sde\depgis.DEP.GLACIAL_SEDIMENT_THICKNESS_POLY" DEPFEATURESTATIC 0 0 0
+ Data Distribution Information
Description of the data known by the party from whom the data may be obtained, liability of party distributing data, and technical capabilities required to use the data.
Resource description: Thickness of Glacial Sediments in Connecticut and the Long Island Sound Basin
Distribution liability: Although this data set has been used by the State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection, no warranty, expressed or implied, is made by the State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection as to the accuracy of the data and or related materials. The act of distribution shall not constitute any such warranty, and no responsibility is assumed by the State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection in the use of these data or related materials. The user assumes the entire risk related to the use of these data.
Technical prerequisites: Geographic information sytem (GIS), computer-aided drawing or other mapping software is necessary to display, view and access the information. The original format of this data is ArcGIS coverage format. The user must have a ESRI compatible software to read and process the data file. In lieu of an ESRI software, the user may utilize another GIS application package capable of importing the data.
Distribution Point of Contact
Contact information for the individual or organization distributing the data.
Organization: State of Connecticut, Department of Enviromental Protection
Phone: 860-424-3540
Fax: 860-424-4058
Email: dep.gisdata@ct.gov
Hours of service: Monday to Friday, 08:30 to 16:30 Eastern Standard Time
Address type: mailing and physical address
Address: 79 Elm Street
City: Hartford
State or Province: Connecticut
Postal code: 06106-5127
Country: USA
Standard Order Process
Common ways in which data may be obtained.
Digital form:
Format name: Shapefile, Feature Class, ArcInfo Coverage
Format version number: ArcGIS
File decompression technique: Zip file
Digital transfer option:
Online option:
Computer information:
Network address:
Network resource name: http://www.ct.gov/deep
Fees: An online copy of the data may be accessed without charge.
Custom Order Process
Description of custom distribution services available.
Custom order process: The data distributor does not provide custom GIS analysis or mapping services. Data is available in a standard format and may be converted to other formats, projections, coordinate systems, or selected for specific geographic regions by the party receiving the data.
+ Metadata Reference
Metadata Date
Dates associated with creating, updating and reviewing the metadata.
Last updated: 20111208
Language of metadata: en
Metadata Point of Contact
Contact information for the individual or organization responsible for the metadata information.
Organization: Long Island Sound Resource Center, a partnership between the State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection and the University of Connecticut
Person: Mary DiGiacomo-Cohen
Phone: (860) 405-9015
Email: lisrc@uconn.edu
Hours of service: Monday to Friday, 08:30 to 16:30 Eastern Standard Time
Address type: mailing and physical address
Address: Long Island Sound Resource Center, UConn Avery Point, 1080 Shennecossett Rd
City: Groton
State or Province: Connecticut
Postal code: 06340
Country: USA
Metadata Access Constraints
Restrictions and legal prerequisites for accessing or using the data after access is granted.
Access constraints: None
Use constraints: None
Metadata Standards
Description of the metadata standard used to document the data and reference to any additional extended profiles to the standard used by the metadata producer.
Standard name: FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata
Standard version: FGDC-STD-001-1998
Time convention: local time
Metadata profiles defining additonal information:
Profile: ESRI Metadata Profile
FGDC Plus Metadata Stylesheet
Stylesheet: FGDC Plus Stylesheet
File name: FGDC Plus.xsl
Version: 2.2
Description: This metadata is displayed using the FGDC Plus Stylesheet, which is an XSL template that can be used with ArcGIS software to display metadata. It displays metadata elements defined in the Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata (CSDGM) - aka FGDC Standard, the ESRI Profile of CSDGM, the Biological Data Profile of CSDGM, and the Shoreline Data Profile of CSDGM. CSDGM is the US Federal Metadata standard. The Federal Geographic Data Committee originally adopted the CSDGM in 1994 and revised it in 1998. According to Executive Order 12096 all Federal agencies are ordered to use this standard to document geospatial data created as of January, 1995. The standard is often referred to as the FGDC Metadata Standard and has been implemented beyond the federal level with State and local governments adopting the metadata standard as well. The Biological Data Profile broadens the application of the CSDGM so that it is more easily applied to biological data that are not explicitly geographic (laboratory results, field notes, specimen collections, research reports) but can be associated with a geographic location. Includes taxonomical vocabulary. The Shoreline Data Profile addresses variability in the definition and mapping of shorelines by providing a standardized set of terms and data elements required to support metadata for shoreline and coastal data sets. The FGDC Plus Stylesheet includes the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set. It supports W3C DOM compatible browsers such as IE7, IE6, Netscape 7, and Mozilla Firefox. It is in the public domain and may be freely used, modified, and redistributed. It is provided "AS-IS" without warranty or technical support.
Instructions: On the top of the page, click on the title of the dataset to toggle opening and closing of all metadata content sections or click section links listed horizontally below the title to open individual sections. Click on a section name (e.g. Description) to open and close section content. Within a section, click on a item name (Status, Key Words, etc.) to open and close individual content items. By default, the Citation information within the Description section is always open for display.
Download: FGDC Plus Stylesheet is available from the ArcScripts downloads at www.esri.com.