Connecticut Geographic Place is a point feature-based layer that includes cultural features such as airports, bridges, government buildings, hospitals, railroad stations and schools. The layer is based on information from lists from various sources available during 2008. The layer represents conditions at a particular point in time. The layer includes public and private airports, major bridges, the State Capitol, acute care hospitals and medical centers, railroad stations serving three major railroad companies and most public and some private educational institutions in the categories of elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, colleges and universities. It does not include other types of schools such as kindergartens or business schools, a complete set of bridges or government buildings other than the State Capitol. Features are point locations that represent the approximate center location of the feature as seen on the Connecticut 2004 Orthophotographs. The layer was created for the purpose of labeling geographic places on maps and is not intended to be a complete list of any of the categories included in the layer. Attribute information is comprised of NAME to uniquely identify individual features, TOWN to provide general location and CLASS and CATEGORY to encode type information and cartographically represent (symbolize) point features on a map. This data is not updated.
publication date
Geographic Places represented as point features. (Source: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection)
Internal feature number. (Source: ESRI)
Name of the geographic place (Source: CT DEP)
More detailed groups that geographic places with similar characteristics can be assigned to. Has more detail than the Class attribute. (Source: CT DEP)
Value | Definition |
Airport | Public or private airport or airfield listed with the FAA |
Bridge | Major bridge |
Elementary School | Educational institution |
High School | Secondary educational institution |
Higher Education | College, university or similar level educational institution |
Hospital | Acute care medical facility |
Medical Center | Acute care medical facility |
Middle School | Educational institution |
RR Station | Public railroad station |
State Government | State government building |
Name of the town where the geographic place is located. (Source: CT DEP)
Value | Definition |
Unique town names | Any of the 169 towns in Connecticut where a geographic place is located. |
Broad groups that geographic places with similar characteristics can be assigned to. (Source: CT DEP)
Value | Definition |
airport | Public or private airport or airfield listed with the FAA |
bridge | Major bridge |
government | State government building |
hospital | Hospital or medical center acute care facility. |
rr station | Public railroad station |
school | Educational institutions from elementary schools to universities |
Feature geometry. (Source: ESRI)
Includes Geographic Place features such as airports, bridges, government buildings, hospitals, railroad stations and schools. Information encoded about these features includes NAME and TOWN where located and classification schemes for using standard cartographic symbology. Use the NAME to uniquely identify features. Use the CATEGORY attribute to symbolize features by type on a map. Use the CLASS attribute to more generally symbolize the features by type. Use the NAME to label features on a map.
79 Elm Street
Geographic Places depicts the location of cultural features. It is not intended to be a complete list of these places. Use this layer to show where the features are located on a base map or thematic map and to label these features. Use this layer in addition to the Connecticut Geographic Names layer which includes places, rivers, streams, brooks, lakes, ponds, hills, and other landform names.
Lists of railroad station names for use in enumerating railroad stations in Connecticut.
Lists of hospital and medical center names for use in enumerating acute-care health care facilities in Connecticut.
Lists of school names and educational level for use in enumerating the schools in Connecticut.
A digital, georeferenced, visual record of the features in the landscape suitable for onscreen digitizing. The aerial photography is in SDE Raster digital format.
List of airports and airfields for use in enumerating these facilities in Connecticut. Includes latitude and longitude coordinates for locating the facility.
Name, address and other attribute information organized for use in geocoding all geographic places.
Provided an address for a facility name.
The final set of point features for the geographic place data.
Oblique photographs for additional identification of facilities.
Create spreadsheets of geographic places by category - Using lists of geographic places acquired from Internet websites, assemble spreadsheet of facility name, category and website if available.The Airport list included latitude and longitude coordinate values. The process is repeated for Airports, Hospitals/Medical Centers, Railroad Stations, Elementary Schools, Middle Schools, High Schools, Colleges/Universities.
79 Elm Street
Get addresses for listed schools, hospitals and railroad stations and fix errors - Using Google maps as the means of locating a facility by name and state, acquire a geocodable street address and copy and paste into the spreadsheet. If the facility does not show on the map or the information is ambiguous, tried using other web-based means to rectify. For example the schools often have websites. The websites may have photos of the school, directions to the school and address for the school. Resolve errors in the name or other attributes during this step. Resolve other errors such a duplicate entries. If an address could not be found for a listing or a listing was not identifiable by online sources it was removed from the spreadsheet.
79 Elm Street
Generate initial point feature locations from addresses or latitude and longitude coordinates - Using ESRI ArcGIS software, address entries in the spreadsheets for schools, railroad stations and hospitals were geocoded to create point locations in a personal database feature class. Using ESRI ArcGIS software, latitude and longitude coordinate entries in the spreadsheet for airports were used to create point locations in a personal database feature class. Any addresses that could not be geocoded were corrected using online sources to identify the feature and provide a better address for geocoding. Google Maps was used to help in identification. Maps Live oblique (bird's eye) photos were used to help in identification. If any address could not be geocoded after further effort, the listing was removed. The coordinate system for the feature classes in the geodatabase is Connecticut State Plane Coordinate System NAD 83 in US Feet.
79 Elm Street
Improve location of the geographic point features - Using ESRI ArcGIS software and Connecticut 2004 Orthophotographs, inspect the geocoded locations of the geopraphic place points and edit their locations as necessary. The editing goal was to place each point upon the feature it represents as seen in the orthophotograph. Maps Live oblique (bird's eye) photos were used to help in identification. This process was done for airports, schools, railroad stations and hospitals.
79 Elm Street
Additional point features by screen digitizing - Using ESRI ArcGIS software and Connecticut 2004 Orthophotographs, the State Capitol and the major bridges were located visually and digitized into a feature class in the personal geodatabase of geographic places.
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The Geographic Place layer retains the NAME information identified by the State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection and obtained from the State of Connecticut lists of schools, lists of railroad stations from Amtrak, Metro_North and Shoreline East, and lists of hospitals and medical centers from the Connecticut Hospital Association, American Hospital Association and The Agape Center. All attributes have valid values. TOWN, CLASS and CATEGORY values are within defined domains. The accuracy test for the NAME attribute values was conducted by comparing the name information presented in the source data with nteractive displays of the data on a computer graphic system. The computer displays depicted and labeled the Geographic Place features in different colors based on CATEGORY values for comparison with the original data source. CATEGORY and CLASS are broad classifications of Geographic Place features. CATEGORY and CLASS were manually entered. TOWN was not manually entered.
The horizontal positional accuracy of this data is better the United States National Map Accuracy Standards for 1:24,000 scale maps. According to this standard, not more than 10 percent of the locations tested are to be in error by more than 1/50 inch (40 feet) measured on the publication scale of a USGS 7.5 minute topographic quadrangle map. Feature locations for schools, railroad stations and hospitals were first created by geocoding, then compared to features visible on the Connecticut 2004 Orthophotographs and manually moved over the feature. Bridges were identified on the Connecticut 2004 Orthophotographs and manually digitized. Point features are approximate (alternate) representations for large area objects or observations having well-defined, visible, recoverable, or permanent boundaries or demarcations such as building footprints. Point features are accurately positioned for these locations because objects were easily identifiable on the aerial photos.
The completeness of the data reflects the feature content of the data sources, which include the State of Connecticut lists of schools, lists of railroad stations from Amtrak, Metro_North and Shoreline East, and lists of hospitals and medical centers from the Connecticut Hospital Association, American Hospital Association and The Agape Center. The Geographic Place layer is complete in the sense that it accurately reflects the contents of the source information available at the time the State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection created the layer. However, compared to more recent information available today, the Geographic Place layer is incomplete. This data is not updated.
Point features conform to the following topological rules. Points are single part. There are no duplicate points. Points do not overlap. Establishment of logical consistency was performed by the State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection using ESRI ArcGIS software to manually create and control feature topology in geodatabase format. No automated procedures or tests were performed to guarantee desired topology other than visual inspection.
None. No restrictions or legal prerequisites for using the data after access is granted. The data is suitable for use at appropriate scale. Although this data set has been used by the State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection, no warranty, expressed or implied, is made by the State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection as to the accuracy of the data and or related materials. The act of distribution shall not constitute any such warranty, and no responsibility is assumed by the State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection in the use of these data or related materials. The user assumes the entire risk related to the use of these data. Once the data is distributed to the user, modifications made to the data by the user should be noted in the metadata. When printing this data on a map or using it in a software application, analysis, or report, please acknowledge the State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection as the source for this information. For example, include the following data source description when printing this layer on a map: Geographic Places - From the Geographic Place layer, compiled and published by CT DEP .
79 Elm Street
Although this data set has been used by the State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection, no warranty, expressed or implied, is made by the State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection as to the accuracy of the data and or related materials. The act of distribution shall not constitute any such warranty, and no responsibility is assumed by the State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection in the use of these data or related materials. The user assumes the entire risk related to the use of these data. Once the data is distributed to the user, modifications made to the data by the user should be noted in the metadata.
Data format: | in format Shapefile, Feature Class (version ArcGIS) |
Network links: | |
The data distributor does not provide custom GIS analysis or mapping services. Data is available in a standard format and may be converted to other formats, projections, coordinate systems, or selected for specific geographic regions by the party receiving the data.
79 Elm Street