Includes line features representing State and county boundaries; the shoreline; island shorelines; and lines enclosing open water areas along the outer limits of the data extent. (Source: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection)
Feature geometry. (Source: ESRI)
Coordinates defining the features.
Land Class - Distinguishes land from water. This dataset includes a large water polygon feature that may impact polygon drawing performance. To improve drawing performance, exclude all water features by using the following expression in a layer definition query: LAND_CLASS = "Land"
Value | Definition |
Land | Land Feature - Mainland or island |
Water | Water Feature - Marine and selected large fresh waterbody |
Connecticut Legend - Classifies features to highlight and differentiate Connecticut from other states. (Source: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection)
Value | Definition |
Connecticut | |
Other States | Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont |
Water | |
Massachusetts Legend - Classifies features to highlight and differentiate Massachusetts from other states. (Source: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection)
Value | Definition |
Massachusetts | Commonwealth of Massachusetts |
Other States | Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont |
Water | |
Maine Legend - Classifies features to highlight and differentiate Maine from other states. (Source: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection)
Value | Definition |
Maine | |
Other States | Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont |
Water | |
New Hampshire Legend - Classifies features to highlight and differentiate New Hampshire from other states. (Source: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection)
Value | Definition |
New Hampshire | |
Other States | Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont |
Water | |
New Jersey Legend - Classifies features to highlight and differentiate New Jersey from other states. (Source: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection)
Value | Definition |
New Jersey | |
Other States | Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont |
Water | |
New York Legend - Classifies features to highlight and differentiate New York from other states. (Source: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection)
Value | Definition |
New York | |
Other States | Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Vermont |
Water | |
Rhode Island Legend - Classifies features to highlight and differentiate Rhode Island from other states. (Source: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection)
Value | Definition |
Rhode Island | |
Other States | Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Vermont |
Water | |
Vermont Legend - Classifies features to highlight and differentiate Vermont from other states. (Source: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection)
Value | Definition |
Vermont | |
Other States | Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island |
Water | |
State Code (Source: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection)
Value | Definition |
'blank' | No State designation. Used to encode open water features. |
CT | |
ME | |
MA | Commonwealth of Massachusetts |
NH | |
NJ | |
NY | |
RI | |
VT | |
State Name (Source: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection)
Value | Definition |
'blank' | No State designation. Used to encode open water features. |
Connecticut | |
Maine | |
Massachusetts | Commonwealth of Massachusetts |
New Hampshire | |
New Jersey | |
New York | |
Rhode Island | |
Vermont | |
County Field Name - The name of the attribute in the (original State) data source that stores the county number (county code) value. This is a cross reference back to the original data source. In the (original State) data source, this is the name of the field that stores the value recorded in the CNTY_COD attribute. (Source: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection)
Value | Definition |
'blank' | No County designation. Used to encode open water features. |
CNTY_COD | Connecticut county code field name |
FIPS-COUNTY | Massachusetts county code field name |
CNTYCODE | Maine county code field name |
COUNTY | New Hampshire county code field name |
FIPSCO | New Jersey county code field name |
CNTYC0DE | New York county code field name |
CFIPS | Rhode Island county code field name |
CNTY | Vermont county code field name |
County Field Value - The county number (county code) value in the (original State) data source that identifies the county. In the (original State), this value is stored in the fieldname referenced by the CNTY_FIELD attribute. These values may not be unique across all states. (Source: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection)
Numberic value
County Name - Text values that correspond to numeric CNTY_COD attribute values. CNTY_NAME is the English language equivalent of (decodes) the CNTY_COD field. (Source: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection)
Text value
Label Flag - Identifies polygons considered to be large and significant enough in size to be labeled on a map with county names. Polygons designated for labeling are assigned LABEL_FLAG values equal to "True", whereas small island polygons along coast, not typically labeled with county names, are assigned LABEL_FLAG values equal to "False". Label selected features with the MAP_LABEL attribute. (Source: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection)
Value | Definition |
True | Polygon feature you can label with MAP_LABEL attribute |
False | Polygon feature not to label with MAP_LABEL attribute |
Map Label Text - Text values from the CNTY_NAME field used for map labeling purposes. Use the LABEL_FLAG field to query for polygon features to label with this field. (Source: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection)
Text value
Internal feature number. (Source: ESRI)
Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.
Connecticut Map Label - Map label text for Connecticut counties. Use this field to label all Connecticut counties without using the LABEL_FLAG field to query for the appropriate features to label, which is a slower technique. (Source: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection)
CNTY_NAME values only for polygon features where MAP_LABEL = 'True' and STATE_COD = 'CT'.
Not Connecticut Map Label - Map label text for all but Connecticut counties. Use this field to label all but Connecticut counties without using the LABEL_FLAG field to query for the appropriate features to label, which is a slower technique. (Source: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection)
CNTY_NAME values only for polygon features where MAP_LABEL = 'True' and STATE_COD not equal to 'CT'.