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Connecticut Subregional Drainage Basin Direction
FGDC, ESRI Metadata
DescriptionGraphicSpatialData StructureData QualityData SourceData DistributionMetadata
+ Resource Description
Information used to reference the data.
Title: Connecticut Subregional Drainage Basin Direction
Originators: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection (data compiler, editor and publisher)
Publisher: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Publication place: Hartford, Connecticut, USA
Publication date: 20100108
Edition: 1st
Data type: vector digital data
Data location: http://www.ct.gov/deep
Other citation details: The State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection is the collector of the data (compiler), the creator and maintainer of the data layer (editor), and producer (publisher) of this information for use. Data compiled at 1:100,000 scale.
A characterization of the data, including its intended use and limitations.
Abstract: Subregional Drainage Basin Direction is point data used to create directional arrow symbology that depicts the general direction of surface water flow within individual subregional drainage basins. Particular emphasis is given to directional arrows near the location of subregional drainage basin outlets. These aid in the visualizing the network of subregional drainage basins in Connecticut. Point features include an attribute that defines arrow direction. Data is compiled at 1:80,000 scale. Data is intended to be used from 1:200,000 to 1:80,000 scale and should only be used for cartographic purposes on maps that also depict Subregional Drainage Basin Boundaries.
Purpose: Subregional Drainage Basin Direction is a cartographic data product. These point feature must be used with Subregional Drainage Basin polygon and line feature data. They must not be depicted on maps as simple point symbols without symbolizing them with arrows that take on the appropriate direction. Use the DIRECTION_ANGLE attribute to orient the features on the map. It is meaningless to use these data without also including local basin boundaries on a map.
These data do not represent the exact location of basin outlets or stream confluences. Their position is largely based on the need to locate an arrow symbol near each local basin outlet such that it does not interfere or conflict with the placement of other information typically included on a basin map such as highways, local roads, bridges, waterbodies, political boundaries and geographic names. For this reason, some features may be farther away from the basin outlet than others. This information is not intended to accurately represent the hydrologic connectivity of surface water and were not automatically derived from or based on a hydrologic network such as the U.S. Geological Survey National Hydrography Dataset.
Supplemental information: Refer to the metadata for Local Drainage Basin polygon and line feature classes for additional information on the delineation and use of local drainage basin boundaries.
Language of dataset: en
Point Of Contact
Contact information for the individual or organization that is knowledgeable about the data.
Organization: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Person: Howie Sternberg
Phone: 860-424-3540
Fax: 860-424-4058
Email: dep.gisdata@po.state.ct.us
Hours of service: Monday to Friday, 08:30 to 16:30 Eastern Standard Time
Address type: mailing and physical address
Address: 79 Elm Street
City: Hartford
State or Province: Connecticut
Postal code: 06106-5127
Country: USA
Data Type
How the data are represented, formatted and maintained by the data producing organization.
File or table name: depgis.DEP.SUBREGIONAL_BASIN_DIRECTION
Data type: vector digital data
Data format: SDE Feature Class
Native dataset environment: These data are maintained by the State of Connecticut using ArcGIS software developed by Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) in a Microsoft Windows operating system environment.
Time Period of Data
Time period(s) for which the data corresponds to the currentness reference.
Date: 20100108
Currentness reference: publication date
The state of and maintenance information for the data.
Data status: Complete
Update frequency: None planned
Key Words
Words or phrases that summarize certain aspects of the data.
Keywords: inlandWaters, elevation
Keyword thesaurus: ISO 19115 Topic Category
Keywords: Connecticut, CT
Keyword thesaurus: U.S. Department of Commerce, 1987, Codes for the Identification of the States, the District of Columbia and the Outlying Areas of The United States, and Associated Areas (Federal Information Processing Standard 5-2): Washington, DC, National Institute of Standards and Technology.
Keywords: United States of America, USA
Keyword thesaurus: U.S. Department of Commerce, 1995, Countries, Dependencies, Areas of Special Sovereignty, and Their Principal Administrative Divisions (Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 10-4): Washington, D.C., National Institute of Standards and Technology.
Data Access Constraints
Restrictions and legal prerequisites for accessing or using the data after access is granted.
Access constraints: None. No restrictions or legal prerequisites for accessing the data. The data is in the public domain and may be redistributed.
Use constraints: None. No restrictions or legal prerequisites for using the data after access is granted. The data is suitable for use at appropriate scale, and is not intended for maps printed at scales greater that 1:200,000 scale or more detailed than 1:80,000 scale. Although this data set has been used by the State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection, no warranty, expressed or implied, is made by the State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection as to the accuracy of the data and or related materials. The act of distribution shall not constitute any such warranty, and no responsibility is assumed by the State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection in the use of these data or related materials. The user assumes the entire risk related to the use of these data. Once the data is distributed to the user, modifications made to the data by the user should be noted in the metadata. When printing this data on a map or using it in a software application, analysis, or report, please acknowledge the State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection as the source for this information. For example, include the following data source description when printing this layer on a map: Directional Arrows - From the Subregional Drainage Basin Direction layer, compiled and published by CT DEP. Source map scale is 1:80,000.
Data Security Information
Handling restrictions imposed on the data because of national security, privacy or other concerns.
Security classifiction system: None
Security classification: None
Security handling: No restrictions for handling the data.
+ Graphic Example
Browse Graphic
Graphic illustration of the data.
Browse graphic 1
Open - Detail view of Subregional Drainage Basin Outlet Direction points. Connecticut Subregional Basins and watercourses are shown as background reference.
Graphic Image
+ Spatial Reference Information
Horizontal Coordinate System
Reference system from which linear or angular quantities are measured and assigned to the position that a point occupies.
Projected coordinate system:
Name: NAD 1983 StatePlane Connecticut FIPS 0600 Feet
Map units: survey feet
Geographic coordinate system:
Name: GCS North American 1983
Coordinate System Details
Map projection
Map projection name: Lambert Conformal Conic
Standard parallel: 41.200000
Standard parallel: 41.866667
Longitude of central meridian: -72.750000
Latitude of projection origin: 40.833333
False easting: 999999.999996
False northing: 499999.999998
Planar Coordinate Information
Planar coordinate encoding method: coordinate pair
Coordinate representation:
Abscissa resolution: 0.000328
Ordinate resolution: 0.000328
Planar distance units: survey feet
Geodetic model
Horizontal datum name: North American Datum of 1983
Ellipsoid name: Geodetic Reference System 80
Semi-major axis: 6378137.000000
Denominator of flattening ratio: 298.257222
Vertical Coordinate System
Reference system from which vertical distances (altitudes or depths) are measured.
Altitude system definition:
Altitude resolution: 1.000000
Altitude encoding method: Explicit elevation coordinate included with horizontal coordinates
Spatial Domain
The geographic areal domain of the data that describes the western, eastern, northern, and southern geographic limits of data coverage.
Bounding Coordinates
In Projected or local coordinates
NAD 1983 StatePlane Connecticut FIPS 0600 Feet
Left745517.353495 (survey feet)
Right1261008.980646 (survey feet)
Top954261.588830 (survey feet)
Bottom560959.123140 (survey feet)
In Unprojected coordinates (geographic)
GCS North American 1983
West-73.687331 (longitude)
East-71.788633 (longitude)
North42.080004 (latitude)
South40.996719 (latitude)
+ Data Structure and Attribute Information
Summary of the information content of the data, including other references to complete descriptions of entity types, attributes, and attribute values for the data.
Direct spatial reference method: Vector
Indirect spatial reference method: Basin name and number
Attributes of Connecticut Subregional Drainage Basin Direction
Detailed descriptions of entity type, attributes, and attribute values for the data.
Type of object: Feature Class
Geometry type: Point
Number of records: 314
Description: Basin Outlet location and direction point features show general locations and flow directions of all Subregional Drainage Basins in the State of Connecticut. All points are strictly cartographic and locations of all points were chosen to not conflict with other base map features and your ability to read the map. These point features must be symbolized with arrow-like symbols that depict direction based on the numeric values stored in the field named DIRECTION_ANGLE.
Source: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Definition: Internal feature number.
Alias: OBJECTID Type: OID Width: 4 Precision: 10 Scale: 0
Attribute values: Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.
Attribute definition source: ESRI
Definition: Feature geometry.
Alias: Shape Type: Geometry Width: 4 Precision: 0 Scale: 0
Attribute values: Coordinates defining the features.
Attribute definition source: ESRI
Definition: Subregional Drainage Basin Number - Encodes the Subregional Basin Number for the Direction Point. The Subregional Drainage Basin Number is the first 4 digits of the 13-digit drainage basin identification number (BASIN_NO). The first digit corresponds to the Major basin number (MBAS_NO) and the first 2 digits represent the Regional basin number (RBAS_NO). All Subregional basins in the same Major and Regional basin have the same first and first 2 digits, respectively. A Subregional drainage basin number ending in "00" defines the main-stem basin for the corresponding Regional drainage basin. For example, Subregional basin 4300 is the main-stem basin for Regional basin 43. These main-stem Subregional basins are usually named after the corresponding Regional basin.
Alias: SBAS_NO Type: SmallInteger Width: 2 Precision: 5 Scale: 0
Attribute definition source: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Definition: Subregional Drainage Basin Name - Text values that correspond to numeric SBAS_NO attribute values. SUBREGION is the English language equivalent of (decodes) the SBAS_NO field.
Alias: SUBREGION Type: String Width: 30 Precision: 0 Scale: 0
Attribute definition source: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Definition: Regional Drainage Basin Number - Encodes the Regional Basin Number for the Direction Point. The Regional Drainage Basin Number is the first 2 digits of the 13-digit drainage basin identification number (BASIN_NO). The first digit corresponds to the Major basin number (MBAS_NO). All Regional basins in the same Major basin have the same first digit. A Regional drainage basin number ending in "0" defines the greater main-stem basin for the corresponding Major drainage basin. For example, Regional basin 40 is the main-stem basin for Major basin 4. These main-stem Regional basins are usually named after the corresponding Major basin.
Alias: RBAS_NO Type: SmallInteger Width: 2 Precision: 5 Scale: 0
Attribute definition source: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Definition: Regional Drainage Basin Name - Text values that correspond to numeric RBAS_NO attribute values. REGIONAL is the English language equivalent of (decodes) the RBAS_NO field.
Alias: REGIONAL Type: String Width: 30 Precision: 0 Scale: 0
Attribute definition source: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Definition: Major Drainage Basin Number - Encodes the Major Basin Number for the Direction Point. The Major Drainage Basin Number is the first 2 digits of the 13-digit drainage basin identification number (BASIN_NO). The first digit corresponds to the Major basin number (MBAS_NO). All Regional basins in the same Major basin have the same first digit. A Regional drainage basin number ending in "0" defines the greater main-stem basin for the corresponding Major drainage basin. For example, Regional basin 40 is the main-stem basin for Major basin 4. These main-stem Regional basins are usually named after the corresponding Major basin.
Alias: MBAS_NO Type: SmallInteger Width: 2 Precision: 5 Scale: 0
Attribute definition source: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Definition: Major Drainage Basin Name - Text values that correspond to numeric MBAS_NO attribute values. MAJOR is the English language equivalent of (decodes) the MBAS_NO field.
Alias: MAJOR Type: String Width: 20 Precision: 0 Scale: 0
Attribute definition source: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Definition: Located in Connecticut - Encodes whether point feature is physically located in Connecticut. Does not reflect whether corresponding local basin is entirely located in Connecticut or not.
Alias: IN_CT Type: String Width: 5 Precision: 0 Scale: 0
Attribute domain values
YesDirection point feature is located in Connecticut
Definition Source: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
NoDirection point feature is not located in Connecticut
Definition Source: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Attribute definition source: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection.
Definition: Numeric value representing direction of point, zero degrees points North.
Alias: DIRECTION_ANGLE Type: SmallInteger Width: 2 Precision: 5 Scale: 0
Attribute domain range
Attribute definition source: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
ESRI Feature Description
Description of spatial objects in the data using the Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) terminology.
Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) terms
ESRI feature type: Simple
Geometry type: Point
Topology: FALSE
Feature count: 314
Spatial index: TRUE
Linear referencing: FALSE
SDTS Feature Description
Description of point and vector spatial objects in the data using the Spatial Data Transfer Standards (SDTS) terminology.
Spatial data transfer standard (SDTS) terms
Type: Entity point
Count: 314
+ Data Quality and Accuracy Information
Information about the fidelity of relationships, data quality and accuracy tests, omissions, selection criteria, generalization, and definitions used to derive the data.
Logical consistency report: Point features conform to the following topological rules. Points are single part. There are no duplicate points. Points do not overlap. Establishment of logical consistency was performed by the State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection using ESRI ArcGIS software to manually create and control feature topology in geodatabase format. No automated procedures or tests were performed to guarantee desired topology other than visual inspection.
Completeness report: The data is complete. There is at least one Subregional Drainage Basin feature for each Subregional Drainage Basin.
Attribute Accuracy
Accuracy of the identification of data entities, features and assignment of attribute values.
Attribute accuracy report: The Local Drainage Basin Direction layer retains the feature types and information identified by the State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection and obtained from the Major, Regional, Subregional, and Local Drainage Basin Databases. All attributes have valid values. Attribute values were either entered manually, and express only general information that doesn't need high accuracy, or were populated through a spatial join; and in that case only as accurate as the attribute data in the table it was joined to.
Positional Accuracy
Accuracy of the positional aspects of the data.
Horizontal accuracy report: The horizontal accuracy of these data meets the intended use. These data are strictly cartographic. Point feature locations are near and not exactly at the corresponding outlet locations.
+ Data Source and Process Information
Data Sources
Information about the source data used to construct or derive the data.
Data source information
Reference Data
Title: Reference Data
Originators: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection (data compiler, editor and publisher)
Publisher: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Publication place: Hartford, Connecticut, USA
Publication date: varies
Data type: vector digital data
Data location: http://www.ct.gov/deep
Other citation details: The State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection is the collector of these data (compiler), the creator and maintainer of these data layers (editor), and producer (publisher) of this information for use. This includes roads, geographic names, waterbodies, and political boundaries. Data compiled at 1:80,000 scale
Map scale denominator: 24000
Media: disc
Source contribution: Includes 1:80,000 scale subregional drainage basin and base map data such as roads, waterbodies, political boundaries, geographic names, and geographic place name information used for background reference purposes. Contour features and shaded relief generated by the University of Connecticut from the Connecticut 2000 LiDAR data were also used in the background to position direction point features.
Date: varies
Currentness reference: publication date
Point Data
Title: Subregional Basin Outlet Direction
Originators: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection (data compiler, editor, and publisher)
Publication date: 20100108
Data type: vector digital data
Data location: http://www.ct.gov/deep
Other citation details: The State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection is the collector of the data (compiler), the creator and maintainer of these data layer (editor), and producer (publisher) of this information for use. Data compiled at 1:80,000 scale.
Process Steps
Information about events, parameters, tolerances and techniques applied to construct or derive the data.
Process step information
Process Step 1
Process description: Feature digitizing and attribution (heads up digitizing method) - Using ESRI ArcGIS software, features appearing on the source map were manually digitized on the screen (heads-up digitizing) at a display scale of 1:80,000 using Reference Data and Lidar 2000 contours displayed in the background for reference. Reference Data includes 1:24,000 scale roads, waterbodies, political boundaries, geographic names, and geographic place name information used for background reference purposes. These were used mainly to avoid any conflicting features as these points will be included in maps that contain this information. Individual features were digitized based on information from the Subregional Drainage Basin database. Features were assigned DIRECTION_ANGLE attribute values based on information from the local basin layer.
Organization: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Person: Chris Dubin
Phone: 860-424-3540
Address type: mailing and physical address
Address: 79 Elm Street
City: Hartford
State or Province: Connecticut
Postal code: 06106
Country: USA
Process date: Unknown
Data Source used
Reference Data
Title: Reference Data
Originators: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection (data compiler, editor and publisher)
Publisher: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Publication place: Hartford, Connecticut, USA
Publication date: varies
Data type: vector digital data
Data location: http://www.ct.gov/deep
Other citation details: The State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection is the collector of these data (compiler), the creator and maintainer of these data layers (editor), and producer (publisher) of this information for use. This includes roads, geographic names, waterbodies, and political boundaries. Data compiled at 1:80,000 scale
Map scale denominator: 24000
Media: disc
Source contribution: Includes 1:80,000 scale subregional drainage basin and base map data such as roads, waterbodies, political boundaries, geographic names, and geographic place name information used for background reference purposes. Contour features and shaded relief generated by the University of Connecticut from the Connecticut 2000 LiDAR data were also used in the background to position direction point features.
Date: varies
Currentness reference: publication date
Data Source produced
Point Data
Title: Subregional Basin Outlet Direction
Originators: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection (data compiler, editor, and publisher)
Publication date: 20100108
Data type: vector digital data
Data location: http://www.ct.gov/deep
Other citation details: The State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection is the collector of the data (compiler), the creator and maintainer of these data layer (editor), and producer (publisher) of this information for use. Data compiled at 1:80,000 scale.
Process Step 2
Process description: Added Attributes - Added and populated the following feature attributes: Major Drainage Basin, Major Drainage Basin number, Regional Drainage Basin, Regional Drainage Basin number, Subregional Drainage Basin, Subregional Drainage Basin number, DIRECTION_ANGLE, and IN_CT
Organization: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Person: Chris Dubin
Phone: 860-424-3540
Address type: mailing and physical address
Address: 79 Elm Street
City: Hartford
State or Province: Connecticut
Postal code: 06106
Country: USA
Process date: 20100108
Data Source used
Reference Data
Title: Reference Data
Originators: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection (data compiler, editor and publisher)
Publisher: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Publication place: Hartford, Connecticut, USA
Publication date: varies
Data type: vector digital data
Data location: http://www.ct.gov/deep
Other citation details: The State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection is the collector of these data (compiler), the creator and maintainer of these data layers (editor), and producer (publisher) of this information for use. This includes roads, geographic names, waterbodies, and political boundaries. Data compiled at 1:80,000 scale
Map scale denominator: 24000
Media: disc
Source contribution: Includes 1:80,000 scale subregional drainage basin and base map data such as roads, waterbodies, political boundaries, geographic names, and geographic place name information used for background reference purposes. Contour features and shaded relief generated by the University of Connecticut from the Connecticut 2000 LiDAR data were also used in the background to position direction point features.
Date: varies
Currentness reference: publication date
Data Source produced
Point Data
Title: Subregional Basin Outlet Direction
Originators: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection (data compiler, editor, and publisher)
Publication date: 20100108
Data type: vector digital data
Data location: http://www.ct.gov/deep
Other citation details: The State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection is the collector of the data (compiler), the creator and maintainer of these data layer (editor), and producer (publisher) of this information for use. Data compiled at 1:80,000 scale.
Process Step 3
Process description: Metadata imported.
Process date: 20100203 Process time: 10073700
Data Source used
Process Step 4
Process description: Metadata imported.
Process date: 20100203 Process time: 11053600
Data Source used
Process Step 5
Process description: Dataset copied.
Process date: 20100204 Process time: 08563300
Data Source used
ESRI geoprocessing history
Description of ESRI geoprocessing commands, settings, and tolerances applied to the data.
ESRI geoprocessing command information
1 CopyFeatures_1
Date: 20100204 Time: 091156
Tool location: C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\ArcToolbox\Toolboxes\Data Management Tools.tbx\CopyFeatures
Command issued: CopyFeatures Y:\Archive\Hydrography\Hydrography_24k\geodatabase\Basin_Direction.mdb\Subregional_Drainage_Basin_Direction "Database Connections\\depgis.DEP.SUBREGIONAL_BASIN_DIRECTION" DEPFEATURESTATIC 0 0 0
+ Data Distribution Information
Description of the data known by the party from whom the data may be obtained, liability of party distributing data, and technical capabilities required to use the data.
Resource description: Connecticut Subregional Drainage Basin Direction
Distribution liability: Although this data set has been used by the State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection, no warranty, expressed or implied, is made by the State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection as to the accuracy of the data and or related materials. The act of distribution shall not constitute any such warranty, and no responsibility is assumed by the State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection in the use of these data or related materials. The user assumes the entire risk related to the use of these data. Once the data is distributed to the user, modifications made to the data by the user should be noted in the metadata.
Technical prerequisites: Geographic information sytem (GIS), computer-aided drawing or other mapping software is necessary to display, view and access the information.
Distribution Point of Contact
Contact information for the individual or organization distributing the data.
Organization: State of Connecticut, Department of Enviromental Protection
Phone: 860-424-3540
Fax: 860-424-4058
Email: dep.gisdata@ct.gov
Hours of service: Monday to Friday, 08:30 to 16:30 Eastern Standard Time
Address type: mailing and physical address
Address: 79 Elm Street
City: Hartford
State or Province: Connecticut
Postal code: 06106-5127
Country: USA
Standard Order Process
Common ways in which data may be obtained.
Digital form:
Format name: Shapefile, Feature Class
Format version number: ArcGIS
File decompression technique: Zip file
Digital transfer option:
Online option:
Computer information:
Network address:
Network resource name: http://www.ct.gov/deep
Fees: An online copy of the data may be accessed without charge.
Custom Order Process
Description of custom distribution services available.
Custom order process: The data distributor does not provide custom GIS analysis or mapping services. Data is available in a standard format and may be converted to other formats, projections, coordinate systems, or selected for specific geographic regions by the party receiving the data.
+ Metadata Reference
Metadata Date
Dates associated with creating, updating and reviewing the metadata.
Last updated: 20120125
Language of metadata: en
Metadata Point of Contact
Contact information for the individual or organization responsible for the metadata information.
Organization: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Person: Chris Dubin
Phone: 860-424-3540
Fax: 860-424-4058
Email: dep.gisdata@ct.gov
Hours of service: Monday to Friday, 08:30 to 16:30 Eastern Standard Time
Address type: mailing and physical address
Address: 79 Elm Street
City: Hartford
State or Province: Connecticut
Postal code: 06106-5127
Country: USA
Metadata Access Constraints
Restrictions and legal prerequisites for accessing or using the data after access is granted.
Access constraints: None. No restrictions or legal prerequisites for accessing the metadata.
Use constraints: None. No restrictions or legal prerequisites for using the metadata after access is granted.
Metadata Security Information
Handling restrictions imposed on the metadata because of national security, privacy or other concerns.
Security classifiction system: None
Security classification: None
Security handling: No restrictions for handling the metadata.
Metadata Standards
Description of the metadata standard used to document the data and reference to any additional extended profiles to the standard used by the metadata producer.
Standard name: FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata
Standard version: FGDC-STD-001-1998
Time convention: local time
Metadata profiles defining additonal information:
Profile: ESRI Metadata Profile
Profile: ESRI Metadata Profile
Profile: ESRI Metadata Profile
FGDC Plus Metadata Stylesheet
Stylesheet: FGDC Plus Stylesheet
File name: FGDC Plus.xsl
Version: 2.2
Description: This metadata is displayed using the FGDC Plus Stylesheet, which is an XSL template that can be used with ArcGIS software to display metadata. It displays metadata elements defined in the Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata (CSDGM) - aka FGDC Standard, the ESRI Profile of CSDGM, the Biological Data Profile of CSDGM, and the Shoreline Data Profile of CSDGM. CSDGM is the US Federal Metadata standard. The Federal Geographic Data Committee originally adopted the CSDGM in 1994 and revised it in 1998. According to Executive Order 12096 all Federal agencies are ordered to use this standard to document geospatial data created as of January, 1995. The standard is often referred to as the FGDC Metadata Standard and has been implemented beyond the federal level with State and local governments adopting the metadata standard as well. The Biological Data Profile broadens the application of the CSDGM so that it is more easily applied to biological data that are not explicitly geographic (laboratory results, field notes, specimen collections, research reports) but can be associated with a geographic location. Includes taxonomical vocabulary. The Shoreline Data Profile addresses variability in the definition and mapping of shorelines by providing a standardized set of terms and data elements required to support metadata for shoreline and coastal data sets. The FGDC Plus Stylesheet includes the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set. It supports W3C DOM compatible browsers such as IE7, IE6, Netscape 7, and Mozilla Firefox. It is in the public domain and may be freely used, modified, and redistributed. It is provided "AS-IS" without warranty or technical support.
Instructions: On the top of the page, click on the title of the dataset to toggle opening and closing of all metadata content sections or click section links listed horizontally below the title to open individual sections. Click on a section name (e.g. Description) to open and close section content. Within a section, click on a item name (Status, Key Words, etc.) to open and close individual content items. By default, the Citation information within the Description section is always open for display.
Download: FGDC Plus Stylesheet is available from the ArcScripts downloads at www.esri.com.