Information about the source data used to construct or derive the data.
Source 1 - Adopted Water Quality Classifications Mylar Map Sheets
Title: Adopted Water Quality Classifications Mylar Map Sheets
Originators: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Publisher: State of Connecticut
Publication date: 1995
Data type: map
Map scale denominator: 50000
Media: stable-base material
Source contribution: This data source provided a visual record of the ground water classification features and the classification applied to each feature.
Beginning date: 1985
Ending date: 1993
Currentness reference: publication date
Source 2 - Water Quality Classifications Mylar Quadrangles
Title: Water Quality Classifications Mylar Quadrangles for Connecticut, South Central Coast, Thames, and Southeast Coast
Originators: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Publisher: State of Connecticut
Publication date: Unpublished Material
Data type: map
Map scale denominator: 24000
Media: stable-base material
Source contribution: This data source provided the ground water classification features and the classification applied to each feature for digitizing.
Beginning date: 1986
Ending date: 1993
Currentness reference: calendar date
Source 3 - USGS Topographic Quadrangles
Title: USGS 7.5 Minute Topographic Quadrangles
Originators: U.S. Geological Survey, National Mapping Program
Publisher: State of Connecticut
Publication date: 1969-1984
Data type: map
Map scale denominator: 24000
Media: paper
Source contribution: This data source provided the base map and the registration points for digitizing the ground water classification features.
Beginning date: 1969
Ending date: 1984
Currentness reference: publication date
Source 4 - Draft Water Quality Classifications Quadrangles
Title: Water Quality Classifications Manuscripts for Housatonic, Southwest Coastal and Hudson Basins
Originators: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Publisher: State of Connecticut
Publication date: Unpublished Material
Data type: map
Map scale denominator: 24000
Media: paper
Source contribution: This data source provided the ground water classification features and the classification applied to each feature for the Housatonic, Southwest Coastal and Hudson basins for digitizing.
Date: 1985
Currentness reference: calendar date
Source 5 - Public Water Supply Wells
Title: Public Water Supply Wells
Originators: State of Connecticut, Department of Public Health
Publisher: State of Connecticut
Publication date: 1995
Data type: vector digital data
Map scale denominator: 24000
Media: disc
Source contribution: This data layer provided the point locations of Public Water Supply Wells which were buffered to a radius of 500 feet to create areas representing the areas of contribution.
Date: 1995
Currentness reference: publication date
Source 6 - Public Water Supply Well Buffers
Title: Public Water Supply Well Buffers
Originators: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Publisher: State of Connecticut
Publication date: Unpublished Material
Data type: vector digital data
Map scale denominator: 24000
Media: disc
Source contribution: This data layer provided polygon areas representing the areas of contribution to the public water supply by buffering the point locations of Public Water Supply Wells to a radius of 500 feet.
Date: 1995
Currentness reference: calendar date
Source 7 - Base Map data layers
Title: Base Map Data Layers
Publisher: State of Connecticut
Publication date: 1995
Data type: vector digital data
Map scale denominator: 24000
Media: disc
Source contribution: These data layers provided line features to build the polygons where the Ground Water Quality Classifications features were coincident with the 1:24,000-scale base map. Included are 1:24,000-scale Hydrography, Roads and Trails, Town Boundaries and Railroads.
Date: 1995
Currentness reference: publication date
Source 8 - Drainage Basins
Title: Drainage Basins
Originators: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Publisher: State of Connecticut
Publication date: 1995
Data type: vector digital data
Map scale denominator: 24000
Media: disc
Source contribution: This data layer provided line features to build the polygons where the Ground Water Quality Classifications features were coincident with the 1:24,000-scale natural drainage basins published by the State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection.
Date: 1995
Currentness reference: publication date
Source 9 - Leachate and Wastewater Discharge Sources
Title: Leachate and Wastewater Discharge Sources
Originators: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Publisher: State of Connecticut
Publication date: 1995
Data type: vector digital data
Map scale denominator: 50000
Media: disc
Source contribution: This data source is a point data layer of surface and groundwater discharges that have received a wastewater discharge permit from the state, are active or historic (no longer active) waste disposal sites, salt storage, or are locations of spills, leaks, deposits or discharges of a variety of liquid or solid wastes. This data provided a guide for the delineation and attribution of Water Quality Classifications areas that were updated.
Date: 1995
Currentness reference: publication date
Source 10 - Tables for Leachate and Wastewater Discharge Sources
Title: Data tables for Leachate and Wastewater Discharge Sources
Originators: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Publisher: State of Connecticut
Publication date: 1995
Data type: tabular digital data
Media: disc
Source contribution: This data source provided additional tabular information about the Leachate and Wastewater Discharge Sources. It is published as booklet to accompany Leachate and Wastewater Discharge Sources maps.
Date: 1995
Currentness reference: calendar date
Source 11 - Shellfish Area Classifications Maps
Title: Shellfish Area Classifications
Originators: State of Connecticut, Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Aquaculture
Publisher: State of Connecticut
Publication date: 1993 - 2005
Data type: map
Map scale denominator: Varies
Media: paper
Source contribution: This source provided guidance for the delineation and attribution of Water Quality Classifications areas along the coast. This source is the classifications of shellfishing growing waters for Connecticut shoreline towns. The shellfishing areas are delineated and classified by the Connecticut Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Aquaculture.
Beginning date: 1993
Ending date: 1995
Currentness reference: publication date
Source 12 - Water Quality Classifications Maps for DEP Staff Review
Title: Water Quality Classifications Maps for DEP Staff Review
Originators: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Publication date: Unpublished Material
Data type: map
Map scale denominator: 24000
Media: disc
Source contribution: This data source provided maps of Water Quality Classifications data, Leachate and Wastewater Discharge Sources data, Base map data and Drainage Basin data covering the Housatonic River and Southwest Coastal Basins for the purpose of in-house reviewing and updating of the Water Quality Classifications by DEP staff.
Date: 1995
Currentness reference: calendar date
Source 13 - Water Quality Classifications Maps for Town Review
Title: Water Quality Classifications for Town Review
Originators: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Publisher: State of Connecticut
Publication date: 1995
Data type: map
Map scale denominator: 24000
Media: disc
Source contribution: This source provided town-based maps of the Water Quality Classifications data, Base Map data layers, Drainage Basin data and Leachate and Wastewater Discharge Sources data for the Housatonic River and Southwest Coastal Basins for the purpose of reviewing Water Quality Classifications by town officials.
Date: 1995
Currentness reference: publication date
Source 14 - Water Quality Classifications Maps for Public Hearing
Title: Draft Water Quality Classifications Town Maps
Originators: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Publication date: 1995
Data type: map
Map scale denominator: 24000
Media: disc
Source contribution: This source provided the updated Water Quality Classifications data on town-based maps for the Housatonic River and Southwest Coastal Basins for use during the Public Hearing phase of the Water Quality Classifications Maps adoption process.
Date: 1995
Currentness reference: publication date
Source 15 - Water Quality Classifications
Title: Water Quality Classifications
Originators: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Publisher: State of Connecticut
Publication date: 1995
Data type: vector digital data
Map scale denominator: 24000
Media: disc
Source contribution: This data source refers to all surface and ground water classification features combined in one statewide data layer. Since initial publication in 1995, subsequent publications or editions of the data layer were generated by the State of Connecticut in order to change data format, convert from NAD 27 to NAD 83, or add and modify features. Consequently, over the period of many years, different copies of this data layer were produced, representing various steps in the data layer development and maintenance process (metadata lineage). Changes made to the entire data layer are reflected in metadata process steps where this particular data source is cited as both the Source Used and the Source Produced. The Water Quality Classifications is in ArcInfo Coverage format.
Date: 1995
Source 16 - Ground Water Quality Classifications
Title: Ground Water Quality Classifications
Originators: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Publication date: 2005
Data type: vector digital data
Map scale denominator: 24000
Media: disc
Source contribution: This data source refers to all ground water quality classifications features separated from the statewide water quality classifications data layer and with the hydrography polygon features removed (erased). Since initial publication in 2000, subsequent publications or editions of the data layer were generated by the State of Connecticut in order to add and modify features. Consequently, over a period of years, different copies of this data layer were produced. Changes made to the entire data layer are reflected in metadata process steps where this particular data source is cited as both the Source Used and the Source Produced. The Ground Water Quality Classifications is in ArcInfo Coverage format.
Date: 1995
Currentness reference: publication date
Source 17 - Surface Water Quality Classifications
Title: Surface Water Quality Classifications
Originators: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Publisher: State of Connecticut
Publication date: 2000
Data type: vector digital data
Map scale denominator: 24000
Media: disc
Source contribution: This data source refers to all surface water quality classifications features separated from the statewide water quality classifications data layer and with additional hydrography line and polygon features added. The Surface Water Quality Classifications is in ArcInfo Coverage format.
Date: 1995
Currentness reference: publication date
Source 19 - WaterQualityClass_Ground_Master
Title: WaterQualityClass_Ground_Master
Originators: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Publication date: Unpublished Material
Data type: vector digital data
Map scale denominator: 24000
Media: disc
Source contribution: Statewide geodatabase format ground water classification datalayer. Includes all ground water classifications polygon features except public water supply well buffered areas or final aquifer protection areas. Includes temporary (and potentially inaccurate) ground water classifications under surface waters. This layer forms the base for the derived WaterQualityClass_Ground datalayer.
Currentness reference: publication date
Source 20 - WaterQualityClass_Surface_Poly
Title: WaterQualityClass_Surface_Poly
Originators: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Publication date: Unpublished Material
Edition: 20061101
Data type: vector digital data
Map scale denominator: 24000
Media: disc
Source contribution: Statewide geodatabase format surface water quality classifications for all waterbody area features such as lakes, ponds, bays, harbors, sounds and rivers and streams large enough to be represented as polygons at 1:24,000 scale.
Currentness reference: publication date
Source 21 - WaterQualityClass_Surface_Line
Title: WaterQualityClass_Surface_Line
Originators: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Publication date: Unpublished Material
Edition: 20061101
Data type: vector digital data
Map scale denominator: 24000
Media: disc
Source contribution: Statewide geodatabase format surface water quality classifications for all waterbody line features such as rivers and streams represented as lines at 1:24,000 scale.
Currentness reference: publication date
Source 22 - Public Water Supply Well Buffer 500 Ft
Title: Public Water Supply Well Buffer 500 Ft
Originators: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Publication date: Unpublished Material
Edition: 20061101
Data type: vector digital data
Map scale denominator: 24000
Media: disc
Source contribution: Statewide geodatabase format datalayer of 500 foot buffer areas around Public Water Supply Wells. These buffers are ground water classification areas and are added to the WaterQualityClass_Ground_Master datalayer during creation of the final WaterQualityClass_Ground datalayer. These buffered areas are kept separate for easier maintenance of the ground water classifications data.
Source 23 - WaterQualityClass_Ground
Title: WaterQualityClass_Ground
Originators: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Publication date: Unpublished Material
Data type: vector digital data
Map scale denominator: 24000
Media: disc
Source contribution: Statewide geodatabase format of ground water quality classification as polygon features. It includes the 500 ft buffered areas around public water supply wells and final aquifer protection areas (as this data is adopted). It excludes ground water classifications under surface waterbodies.
Currentness reference: publication date
Source 24 - WaterQualityClass_Ground.shp
Title: WaterQualityClass_Ground.shp
Originators: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Publication date: 2006
Data type: vector digital data
Map scale denominator: 24,000
Media: disc
Source contribution: Statewide shapefile format of ground water quality classification as polygon features. It includes the 500 ft buffered areas around public water supply wells and final aquifer protection areas (as this data is adopted). It excludes ground water classifications under surface waterbodies.
Currentness reference: publication date
Source 25 - WaterQualityClass_Surface_Poly.shp
Title: WaterQualityClass_Surface_Poly.shp
Originators: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Publication date: 2006
Data type: vector digital data
Map scale denominator: 24,000
Media: disc
Source contribution: Statewide shapefile format of surface water quality classification as polygon features.
Currentness reference: publication date
Source 26 - WaterQualityClass_Surface_Line.shp
Title: WaterQualityClass_Surface_Line.shp
Originators: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Publication date: 2006
Data type: vector digital data
Map scale denominator: 24,000
Media: disc
Source contribution: Statewide shapefile format of surface water quality classification as line features.
Currentness reference: publication date
Source 18 - Surface_Water_Quality_Classifications_Line.shp
Title: Surface Water Quality Classifications Line
Originators: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Publisher: State of Connecticut
Map scale denominator: 24000
Media: disc
Source contribution: Includes all line features from Surface Water Quality Classifications where the AV_LEGEND attribute was not blank (AV_LEGEND <> " "). This selection criterion primarily includes streams, shore and dam features which have surface water quality classifications. It excludes closure lines separating adjacent open water polygon features and at the limit of the data layer, apparent limits of marsh polygon areas, apparent limits of flats and sand polygon areas, and extents of coastal bays and harbors which do not have surface water quality classifications. Surface_Water_Quality_Classifications_Line.shp is in Shapefile format.
Source 27 - WaterQualityClass_Surface_Line
Title: WaterQualityClass_Surface_Line
Originators: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Edition: 20110225
Data type: vector digital data
Map scale denominator: 24000
Media: disc
Source contribution: Statewide geodatabase format surface water quality classifications for all waterbody line features such as rivers and streams represented as lines at 1:24,000 scale.
Source 28 - WaterQualityClass_Surface_Poly
Title: WaterQualityClass_Surface_Poly
Originators: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Edition: 20110225
Data type: vector digital data
Map scale denominator: 24000
Media: disc
Source contribution: Statewide geodatabase format surface water quality classifications for all waterbody area features such as lakes, ponds, bays, harbors, sounds and rivers and streams large enough to be represented as polygons at 1:24,000 scale.