Description: The National Wetlands Classification Standard classes include Palustrine forested and/or Palustrine shrub. The general description is forested swamp or wetland shrub bog or wetland.
Description: The National Wetlands Classification Standard class is Palustrine emergent. The general description is herbaceous march, fen, swale and wet meadow.
Description: The National Wetlands Classification Standard class is Palustrine wetland. The general description is farmed wetland, saline seep and other miscellaneous wetland.
Description: The National Wetlands Classification Standard class is Estuarine intertidal and Marine intertidal wetland. The general description is vegetated and non-vegetated brackish and saltwater marsh, shrubs, beach, bar, shoal or flat.
Description: The National Wetlands Classification Standard class is Estuarine and Marine subtidal water and wetland. The general description is open water estuary, bay, sound or open ocean.
Description: The National Wetlands Classification Standard classes are Palustrine unconsolidated bottom and Palustrine aquatic bed. The general description is pond.
Description: The National Wetlands Classification Standard class is Lacustrine wetland and deepwater. The general description is lake or reservoir basin.
Description: The National Wetlands Classification Standard class is Riverine wetland and deepwater. The general description is river or stream channel.