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Legend (Coastal/BluePlan_HU_Nav_Transport)

Working Waterfronts (0)
Coastal Energy Facilities (1)
Biomass Biomass
Coal Coal
Gas Gas
Nuclear Nuclear
Oil Oil
Solar Solar
Underwater Cables (2)
power line power line
telephone telephone
Open Water Disposal Sites (3)
Active Active
Inactive Inactive
Lightering Zones (4)
Business and Commercial Dredging Areas (5)
Fairways and Navigation Channels (6)
Anchorage Areas (7)
Cable And Pipeline Areas (8)
cable cable
cable and pipeline cable and pipeline
pipeline pipeline
Restricted Areas (9)
Vessel Transit Lanes (10)
86 - 115 86 - 115
116 - 238 116 - 238
239 - 12366 239 - 12366
Harbor Management Areas (11)
Approved HMA Approved HMA
Draft HMA Draft HMA