Description: FEMA MOTF produced high resolution Hurricane Sandy depth grids and flood extents for the States of New Jersey, New York, and Connecticut. These surge flooding depth/area estimates were produced by FEMA MOTF using preliminary field observation data collected by USGS through November 11 (FEMA-USGS Mission Assignment for pre-landfall Storm Surge Sensors/Rapid Deployment Gages and post-landfall High Water Mark collections).
The general process for creating these products is to interpolate the water surface elevation (WSEL) from HWM or surge sensors, and then subtract the ground elevation (DEM) to arrive at water depth above ground (inundation). The MOTF QA/QC’s the resultant depth grids to eliminate errors from DEM holes and other sources, but some ponding is allowed to remain in the interim files for further hydroconnectivity/field verification (ponds less than 50,000 square feet are removed).
These files represent our current best estimate of storm surge flood inundation from Hurricane Sandy for NJ, NY, and CT as of 11/11/2012.
Description: Product created from field‐verified High Water Marks (HWMs)
and Storm Surge Sensor data from the USGS through 11‐November 2012. HWMs and Surge Sensor data are used to interpolate a water surface elevation.